divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2016

Does Humor play an important role in life?

In my point of view humor has an important role in life, but depends a lot on with who you are talking, is not the same to one friend that to a person that you don't know.
On the other hand, I think it is not necessary to use humor when a person is sad, because it's probably that his/her reaction will be had.

Finally, the best way that you can learn of life, is that life is only a joke and you have bring with us sometimes the jokes have a good endings and you have to think the same with your life.
I'm a professional joker and at the moment my life is a joke.

dissabte, 15 d’octubre del 2016

MOTO GP Motorland Aragó

Last month, my brother, cousin, friends and I, went to Aragó to go and see the motorbike races.
At first, we arrived at 11 o'clock on Friday by car at the circuit, because on Friday the riders have time to practise and get the motorbike ready. At lunch time, we went to the village, Alcañiz, to leave the bags in the apartment and also for lunch.
In the afternoon my cousin showed us the village, because it was the second time he had benn and in the evening friends arrived on motorbikes to get around better.
At night all of us went to a party at 4 o'clock I was exhausted because I danced a lot.
Saturday we woke up later and we went to see the official training. In the afternoon I slept and at night my brother and I went to a party again.
On the last day Sunday it was the day of the races and we woke up early, because there is always a queue to go inside the circuit.
The races started and the winners are Jorge Navarro in Moto3, Sam Lowes in Moto2 and Marc Marquez in MotoGP. I'm a fan on MM93, so I was happy.
If you are a motorbike fanatic you have to go to the party in the village, and you will enjoy your self if you were a child, more or less there were about five thousnad people in village and seventy thousand at the circuit.

Animals in Peru

The other news is an issue what happens around the world, but in this case it is about Peru. 
A group of people selling animals in catalogues and on public roads, in terrible conditions, have been arrested and inside the house found 100 animals and 40 of them are puppies.

When I said before that happens around the world, I meant that abandoning and mistreating animals is frequent.
I believe in reincarnation and I have always thought that we will become aminals, you like to have a miserable life and suffering. Therefore, if you do not look capable of caring for a pet directly don't buy a pet.
I just want to say that the animals never will hurt, you either.

Hurricane Hits Haiti

My first news talks about the last Hurricane, Matthew. As we all know hundreds died and thousands became homeless, completely destroying the south west country.
Hurricane Matthew is the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade. Most of the dead lived in cities or near the coast.
Hospitals in Haiti have problems in caring for the sick and injured, because the Hurricane tore thought Haiti.

When this misfortune befell, I think everyone should help us because in the future maybe the hurricane can happen in your area.
Many celebrities such as Shakira, Brad Pitt have contributed giving million of money.
I would like the force of nature helps to build new worlds and does not destroy the only where there are life.
Now more than ever we must be united.


dijous, 22 de setembre del 2016

Presentation and Opinion

A few years
Dear Montse, 
I'm Enric and in this life only I want wealth, love and peace for everybody.
Yes, I have dreams and goals but I think that all is possible. One of my dreams is to be motorcycle rider of motocross and for this reason I never give up.
Also I'm interesed in studies, I think this is a goal and I need to struggle to pass second batxillerat and doing CAFE. 
So, good weekend see you on Tuesday.

I agree with some points of the video that we watched in class and disagree with others.
One point that I agree with is never give up, and if you are studying, working and you don't like what you are doing, change and search for something that you will do with love and passion.
On the other hand, I think the bravery doesn't help over a long term but I think it helps in short terms, because when you have already tried and you fail, you will get to a point that you will finally give up.
I'm sure that in this liffe nobody gives you anything and you have fight for your dreams and goals.

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016


1.  Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s?  Where, for example?
Yes, I can see a improvement respect the past year, one example is the use of verbs and prepositions, altought the languages is not my hard point.

2. Which activity best shows your level of English?
I don't know, but I like to do oral presentation, since you can prepare and you have a prezi that helps to study.

3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think that the activity I improve my English is the Blog, mainly in news, because first your read and after you explain and you give your opinion.

4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not?
In my opinion, all activities Something always learn
5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?

dimecres, 25 de maig del 2016


Mr. Bean's Holidays

This film is about a drawn when Mr.Bean won a holiday to the beach with a camera to record the trip.
Mr.Bean got on the train and met a boy whose father didn't get on the train. During all the film the boy was with him and they experienced different things together, for example: they danced in the Street to collect money, because Mr.Bean left his purse in a telephone box.
After, he meet a girl in a filming and he explained that he wanted to go to the beach, and she also had to go, to see the premier of the actress.
The pólice were looking for Mr.Bean, because he was with the boy, and when the fil, started, the people were bored and Mr.Bean put his camera and the girl and boy were in the film, and the father of boy was an important worker in the film, and finally the boy went back to his parents and the girl and Mr.Bean went to beach.

diumenge, 22 de maig del 2016

Calvin Harris Injured In A Car Accident, Cancels Performances

The news says that friday past  the famous DJ Calvin Harris suffered an accident that left him unable to act in Alabama Hangout Music Fest and the Club Omina in Las Vegas.
According to TMZ, the Cadillac SUV transporting Harris was struck by a Volkswagen Beetle that was driven by a 16-year-old. We also know that has left the hospital and is at rest.
Thank God they are all well and hope that Calvin can return to fast dj booths.
Life is not ready to see it without problems in this case has touched him.

Here Are A Few Scientific Tips To Help You Wake Up In The Morning

This news shows us some tricks to get up out of bed and that not be so heavy.

YouTubero AsapSCIENCE tells seven ways to get up:
1. Find the light
Suggests, open up a few curtains and expose yourself to natural light to help fight off the effects of melatonin.
2. Give yourself a splash of cold
The cold water help to increase metabolic rate and reduce feelings of fatigue.
3. Drink some waterSleeping can really dehydrate you so make sure to grab a glass of water and chug it down.
4.Drink OJ
Drinking citrus fruit juices will stimulate you just enough in the AM and also slow cognitive decline over time.
5.Be physically active
Getting up and busting out a few reps will make you feel more empowered for the entire day.
6.Eat a healthy breakfast
Eat something super nutritious, it will make you more alert throughout the day.
7.Listen to music
Listening to music can activate regions of your brain that make you feel more alert and more alive

YouTubero AsapSCIENCE shows us a video with the following tricks.


Next Friday 13th of May I'm going to Barcelona to do a Spanish activity.
The activity consits in doing 6-7 videos explaining adventures that happened in the book that we read.
First of all my group, Christian, Marc and me, had to do a leaflet where there was a Little summary with information of the video.
On Friday we get on the bus at eight o'clock and we arrived at half past ten.
At the first place, had to join another group, because, first we had to listent to their stories, and then they had to listen to ours.
Finally, we went to eat in MC'Donals, because we didn't have time, the bus left at 3:45 and we ordered the hamburgers at 3:30.
To sum up we had walk 11 km, we didn't have time to buy anithing and we were exhausted, but we finisheded the work. 

90% -> SUMMER

Every day we are getting nearer to summer. Now it's easier to woke up and you have more energy tan usual, but at the same time I'm lazier, because I'm thinking about the beach, parties...
This summer I hope to work with another boss but not my father, it is always good to do a job with other people because you learn more things, make frienda and learn languages.
On the other hand, I won't have so much free time, because also I have to do the TDR and I will only enjoy myself at weekends, if I can.
To tell the truth, I'm looking forward to summer to wake up later and to be able to do my hobbies in this case, underwater fishing and motocross.
Now it's time to study and the final exams are coming up and I can't miss the poprtunity of passing all the subjects so I can enjoy the summer.

Electry Cars

Now a days electric cars are becoming more popular. Only the important car companies make electric cars and the new generations that are beginning.
One of most beautiful and economical is BMW and Renault, well, they aren't economical between 30000-40000 euros but after the electricity is free.
The electric cars only work in the cities because there are a lot of people and the pollution is high, so in the village there aren't any chargers for the batteries and on the other hand citis there are.
The BMW I3 have 170cv and reaches a 100 km in 7s. Also can travel 150 km without recharging and the maximum load that evenings it is 8 hours (depends on electricity).
I think that now all cities and village shut us the electry cars, for the future, is expensive but in the long run it's compensates.


Always people need to go dentist to check the mouse (teeth) 1 or 2 times in a year, but another people were brackets and they check the teeth 1 time in a month.
The brackets is basically metal, and you pay a lot and I don't stand. I think that you pay this Price because the university studies are expensive and the demand is very high.
When I went orthodonic is a time that I hate, because you stayed 5-10 min to change rubber band, and so on until they take them away.
Now, I have been wearing them 18 month and the first day that I visit the doctor, told me: in 12-18 month we will take them away the brackets and for that I am feed up, because I still carry.

divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Here’s Why 2016 Could Finally Be The Year Weed Is Legalized In California

This news explains that the marijuana would be legalized this year, although already used for medicine in California. He also notes that The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) proposes several initiatives such as:

-Privileges for medical marijuana patients remain largely intact
-Establishes a series of license types for small-, medium- and large-scale cultivation
-Designates oversight by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Department of Public Health and      Department of Food and Agriculture

He also comments that the 2018 price increase and many people are against. AUMA so they could make a bank deposit the money in exchange for marijuana.

On the one hand I agree, because there will be so many traffickers, but some of the decisions AUMA not seem correct, for example the taxes.



                                                                                                                            25 Sant Llatzer Square
                                                                                                                             Castelló d'Empúries
                                                                                                                                31th March 2016

Resultat d'imatges de castello d'empuries
36 William Street
PO Box 867
Regent St.
Puerto Rico

Dear Mr. Jordan
I am interested in the Scuba dive travel. I would be grateful if you could sned me further information about the sites where we do the Scuba dive.
In addition, if possible I would be have an accommodation near sea, I don't care shared a room.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Sincerely

Enric Navarra

dissabte, 12 de març del 2016


The makers of Ubuntu have shown how to convert a smartphone to a PC.
The company thought for the future, to replaced mobile, PC, tablets and turn them all into one.
However, the company is preperant a telephone hybrid.
Opinion:My question is, how far can technology and smartphones get?
Frankly, I find absurd to make a hybrid cell phone when we have smartphones that work well. For another hand, the idea of group together the devices in one is magnific for any job.


A glove which allows you to compose music with gestures has been created by a start-up based in Austin, Texas.
The wearable device works on any firm surface and in the air, turning whatever you touch into an instrument.
Opinion:Whau. I was speechless. I think this glove changes the music world and mainly nocturnal.
I would like try this glove to see which is the feeling that you can make music with your own fingers, and with the help of your body, would be perfect!


Jason Alleman has created a model of the world where includes the earth, the sun and the moon. The most impressive is that it has made with legos because he is fanatic. The land the sun and the moon, make movements similar to real life's why is so important this job of Jason.
Opinion: I'm sure it will be done more of these models.
Jason has done a good job and I think we should take it to school because perhaps is an easy way to explain the kids, because they can see and touch.


Nowadays tattoos and piercings are fashionable and more people do this. The tattoos are a thing that you will have all your life. People prefer to do a small and significate tattoo for examole the date of your parents birthdays, but other people like the big and insignificate tattoos. When you have a tattoo, after you can't not give blood and I ask a qüestion, which is better a significate thing taht you can remember in your head or not to give blood when your son needs it.
I prefer not to do any tattoo, because also depending on the job tou want you can't get it.
One the other hand, the piercings are more normal depending on the place, but somethings people put piercing in ears. The new generation of girls do the piercings in their bely to show their tummy.


Now, I'm studying first of batxillerat, and I would like to do second and start university. My favorite university degree ia Café basiclly it's a degree of sports, with that you can be a personal trainer.
I know taht getting to university is difficult but it's the best way and the bes experience in your life. My brother explaines me that univeristy is easier and funnier and you meet people who are like you and you are more independent, because you are adult.

My perfect future basiclly is based in Winter having my own gym and doing exercici with other people and in summer having a beach bar, and in my free time doing motocross and underwater fishing, it's the best thing that I like more in rhis would. When I do that my mind is blank.
I believe in my future because I have dremed more tan once, but also I know that wasn't easy and I will have to work a lot, but this dream can become a reality.


Last Friday and Saturday I went to Carnival with my Friends. On Friday we went to Roses, but first we prepared the dinner in my house, some pizzas and we didn't drink alcohol. After my father took us to Rosas more or less to the sea front. Once in Rosas, we went behind the floats and we started dancing.
After we arrived at the port where all the floats park and play music and the best part of the night, because people still aren't drunk. At two o'clock, we decided to go to the pavillion where there was good music for Young people. At the end my friend's mother came for us.
On Saturday, we didn't know where to go, St. Pere or Rosas again, because everybody went to Llança, but more people said they would go to Llança because there were a lot of girls, and I prefere to go to St. Pere because I knew everybody and I enjoyed it a lot.
To sum up, you can enjoy your-self at carnaval if you drink carefully because drinking too much only causes fighing and bad feelings.
AHH my carnaval dress was a beautiful cocodrile.


Recently we visited the UAB University (Barcelona) and today UDG University (Girona).
The UAB University was incredible for the structure and its size, and there are a lot of university students to choose, but CAFE, the studies that I want to do doesen't exist there, so I listened to the medicine and crimonology talks. Medicine is grate but it's six years to study and you need money, and crimonology was borring. The best of UAB were the people, you meet a lot of people and you are far away from your parents.
On the other hand, today we went to Girona and I listened to the CAFE and Fisioterapia talks. I want to work with anything to do with sports, a teacher of P.E, personal trainer...
Of the two university, I prefere the people of UAB, the studies of UDG and in Girona because is more cheaper.


The town hall of Figueras have organized 3 trips to Font Romeu on the 16, 23, 30 Januray to skiing. I have already done 2 trips, one with my mother and the other with my brother. However I think that the last day will be cancelled because there isn't any snow and the temperatures are too high.
We left Figueras at 6 o'clock and we arrived there at half past eight. Once we were dressed we went on the slopes with our monitor, the monitor depends on your ability, and my ability and technique are good.
The first day I went I was cheerful, because it's a sport that I love, and the weather was normal in the mountain, -8ºC and with a sensation of -11ºC but the snow was in perfect condition, never in my life have I been skiing with the snow like this.
The second day, the snow had gone down and the temperature was 13ºC.
When it was time to come back, we caught the bus at 4 o'clock and I slept all way home both days. 

dissabte, 5 de març del 2016


Caribbean Divemaster Internship

The Caribbean Divemaster Internship is my dream trip. You travel to paradise beaches and dive to get a divemaster, because the views are unique and you meet new friends that also like the same hooby that you. The duration is from 2 weeks to 12 weeks, I prefer choosing the 3-4 months that in Caribbean is Summer, because you enjoying more and is more easy to relax for me. If I like what I think so I buy a littel house and I live same that a hippie, without thinking tomorrow.
The Price is 1.300 USD but includes accomodation, meals, equipment, visa, unlimited diving and retail and Equipment Purchase Discounts.

dilluns, 15 de febrer del 2016


Rafa Mora
Rafa Mora Garcia aka "El tete" is a very famous character who lives in Valencia. He is 32 years old, and he is well known for participating in many realities (Salvame, MYHYV, Supervivientes, Gran Hermano VIP...) Also he sponsors a famous brand of suplements called Ultimate Stock Plus, he has a Maserati GT worth in 150K $. 
The hobbie of Rafa Mora is basically going to the GYM and partying, he always uploads photos in his social networks of this things.
Rafa is a clean-shaven man and he is in good shape. He is broad-Shouldered and well-built.
El tete is very pash and always wears the top fashion brands like g-star, gucci, hollister...
He is an aggressive person when people criticize but he is self-confident. Also is bold but but ambitious and cheerful person.

divendres, 12 de febrer del 2016


Victor and his monster
What is the role of the individual in relationship to society and the family?

The role of the monster created by Victor is simple. First of all, the monster is a ugly and huge "person" and the society decides hit or shoot him, because is diferent, but the monster can not express themselves, only can express with a old man blind. He shows that have a good heart, for example, when saves the girl that was in the river.
The monster hand't family, and he decided to kill all lovers of Victor, because Victor didn't have a monster woman for the monster and he felt angry and sad at the same time. Angry, because he can't love anyone, and sad, because he isn't a murdered.

divendres, 15 de gener del 2016


ESFJ: Elephant

ESFJ: Elephant

ESFJs are genuine and authentic, and they care deeply about those around them. These are the kind of individuals who bring out the best in those around them, and they are serious about loyalty and responsibility to their families, friends, and co-workers. They are generous and they love to bring joy to others, but they are also sensitive and easily hurt. ESFJs are often blind to the flaws of those they love and they are incredibly trusting and full of love.

Genuine -> Genuí                    Generous -> Generós 
Authentic -> Autèntic               Sensitive -> Sensible
Kind -> Amable                  Responsibility -> Responsable
Loyalty -> Leal

I agree with many aspects, I'm auntèntc with the people I love and I always try to be kind with everyone.
It's true that I try to get the best of each person.